Are the robots coming for our jobs?
No government should try to hold up the pace of technological change. Rather, they should focus on trying to plug gaps in training so no one falls behind.
New survey shows Canadians want lasting change to accompany economic recovery
A new Environics Institute survey confirms that, by a wide margin, Canadians want change
Un étonnant fossé des générations chez les Québécois francophones
Sondés sur le gouvernement qui représente le mieux leurs intérêts, les jeunes Québécois francophones ont des opinions plus proches de celles des autres Canadiens que de celles des Québécois plus âgés.
Millennial and Gen Z francophones don't value Quebec nationalism
The most striking differences between the views of younger and older francophone Quebecers appear in their expectations of the Quebec state
A majority of Canadians support equalization – even in Alberta
The results of the Confederation of Tomorrow 2020 survey show that there is almost universal support in all parts of Canada for the principle that underpins the equalization program
Canada is not the regionally divided country it's made out to be
Put 100 Albertans in a room with 100 Quebecers and you'd be shocked how many can find someone from the other province who agrees with them on big issues
Yes Canada, we too have an anti-Black racism problem
Canadians should challenge themselves to look past the deeply disturbing American news clips and reflect on the situation here at home
As the economy restarts, Canada needs to focus on those hardest hit by the pandemic
As we think through a recovery, our priority should be putting in place effective supports for those facing the greatest adversity
All Together Now?
A special Environics Institute Insight by Michael Adams and Andrew Parkin: As Canadians face the COVID-19 crisis, research shows we bring three vital social strengths (and have one important opportunity to improve)
Canada as a beacon of migrant acceptance. Is this reputation still deserved?
Conference Presentation
The shifting lens through which Canadians see the Wet’suwet’en crisis
Canadians don’t just want things to get back to normal; they want things to get better.
Satisfaction with Canada’s democracy declines significantly in Alberta
The answer to the question of whether Canadians are gaining or losing confidence in their democratic institutions depends in part on which region one is referring to.
Canadians: richer than they think
Americans could look to Canada for ideas about how to run an economy, and not just a public-health-care system
Three Facts About Inequality & Equality of Opportunity
Munk School & Environics Institute Lecture - January 16, 2020
In Canada, education excellence is also about equity
In a world where learning underpins both individual and collective success, Canada's strong showing in recent OECD testing is reassuring. It should also serve as a reminder of some of the things that make this country tick.
Achievement and equity in education in Canada: an update
How are Canada's education systems performing relative to those of other countries?
Let’s Not get too Smug about Public Attitudes on Immigration
Canadians have not always been highly supportive of immigration. Historians have documented the many dark episodes in the first half of the 20th century, but we also need to pay attention to our more recent history.