Michael has written four Canadian bestsellers charting the evolution of social values in North America, including Fire and Ice: The United States, Canada, and the Myth of Converging Values, which won the 2004 Donner Prize for the best book on Canadian public policy and was chosen by the Literary Review of Canada as one of the 100 most important books ever published in Canada.
Michael’s books draw heavily on social values research conducted by Environics Research Group, the public opinion research firm he founded in 1970. Environics has been a pioneer in social values research in Canada and the United States. With offices and affiliates in Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Calgary, New York, Washington, and Oakland, CA, Environics is a leader in opinion research, offering corporate and government clients unique insight into values segments and social change in North America.

September 26, 2017
Could It Happen Here? Canada in The Age of Trump and Brexit
Amid an international scene convulsed by populist political uprisings, Canada appears placid, at least on its surface...
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November 16, 2010
Stayin' Alive: How Canadian Baby Boomers Will Work, Play, and Find Meaning in the Second Half of their Adult Lives
As Canada's Baby Boomers prepare to enter the second half of their adult lives, leading pollster and analyst Michael Adams describes his generation's thoughts on topics ranging from retirement and spirituality to sexuality and funeral plans...
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October 24, 2006
American Backlash: The Untold Story of Social Change in the United States
American Backlash is a study of American values that goes beyond the Red versus Blue dichotomy...
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May 13, 2003
Fire & Ice: The United States, Canada & The Myth of Converging Values
In this 2003 bestseller, Michael Adams offers the surprising argument that the values of Canadians and Americans are diverging in important ways...
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November 4, 2008
Unlikely Utopia: The Surprising Triumph of Canadian Multiculturalism
Most countries accept immigrants, but when it comes to the scale of its immigration inflow and the diversity of its foreign-born, Canada stands alone in the world...
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October 11, 2001
Better Happy Than Rich: Canadians, Money and the Meaning of Life
Better Happy Than Rich links Canadians' social values to their attitudes and behaviours surrounding that most ubiquitous preoccupation: money...
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October 24, 2006
Sex in the Snow: The Surprising Revolution in Canadian Social Values
In this 1997 bestseller, Michael Adams describes the trajectory of social change in Canada, illuminating the society's movement over the latter half of the 20th century from values of religiosity and deference to authority to those of secularism and autonomy...
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