
Project Videos

Our video library represents a collection of work that has been produced through our partnerships and programs, offering diverse perspectives on crucial societal issues. Each video is a gateway to understanding the intricate dynamics of communities and environments, reflecting the Institute's commitment to fostering informed public dialogue and policy. 


Syrian Refugee Lived Experience Project

In 2015, through an unprecedented national mobilization of government, the settlements sector and Canadian citizens, the country opened its doors to accept refugees feeling the humanitarian crisis in Syria, resettling close to 40,000 refugees within the space of a year. How have these refugees fared in their new country and lives, and what can be learned from their experience that might benefit future refugees?


Media Library

Black Experience Project

The Black Experience Project led by the Environics Institute, in partnership with Ryerson's Diversity Institute, the United Way of Greater Toronto, and the YMCA of Greater Toronto, is launching a groundbreaking research study focusing on the Black community in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).


What is the Black Experience Project?

The Black Experience Project (BEP) is a seminal research study focused on examining the lived experiences of individuals who self-identify as Black and/or of African heritage living in the Greater Toronto Area.


Toronto Foundation: Social Capital

First-ever Toronto social study released by the Toronto Foundation. This was a launch video to go along with the report. New insights on social trust, social networks, civic connection, and neighbourhoods.




Toronto Social Capital Study 2022

Four years ago we conducted our first Social Capital Study, two years before COVID-19. How have we fared? How does our future look? Exploring the state of social capital in Toronto can help the city emerge stronger, healthier and more vibrant than ever.


Quebec nationalism under the CAQ: National unity after the 2022 Quebec provincial election

Canadian observers face a paradox in Quebec politics: while sovereignty is declining, the CAQ government's identity politics through Bills 21 and 96 may spark a renewed debate on the Canadian constitution's legitimacy among francophone Quebecers, potentially leading to a new national unity crisis.