How to build a safer Toronto
Building a safer city must mean doing more than an increased police presence. It should mean doing more to tackle social isolation and exclusion.
Don’t overlook the role that schools and teachers play in welcoming refugees to Canada
An Environics Institute Key Finding
One issue on which Canadians aren't polarized — the U.S.
Before we conclude that our politics is more polarized than ever, let’s remember it is possible to overcome even long-standing divisions and find common ground
Canada must continue to modelling its refugee efforts on its response to the Syrian crisis
Environics Institute research shows the first wave of Syrian refugees is doing remarkably well
Canada needs a bolder approach to skills training
Employers should take steps to propel us forward from a situation where most of their employees are missing out, to one where most are opting in
The good and bad news from a public opinion researcher
Solid support for refugees has developed over the years. On fossil fuels, Alberta’s divisions can’t be ignored. And young Canadians are in bad shape.
The CPC needs to get back to bilingualism
To make real gains in French-speaking areas of the country, it is the party’s personality that will count
Canadians aren’t just adapting to diversity – there are data to show we’re embracing it
The Canadian identity is not weakening – it is shifting
The differences between Canada and the U.S. remain significant
A new survey from the Environics Institute confirms Canadian Conservatives have bigger differences with U.S. Republicans than Canadian Liberals
Surveys show Canadian are less polarized and angry than Americans
The gap today between Republicans and Democrats in the U.S. is about twice as wide as that in Canada between Conservatives and Liberals
Social isolation is a growing concern in Toronto
As many as 300,000 Torontonians rarely or never feel they have someone to depend on when they really need it.
New immigration targets essential for Canada’s economic prosperity
Canada is breaking records on immigration
Canadians need to keep talking about racism
Social norms play a key role in the dynamics of racism and prejudice because they establish the boundaries around which people act toward those they see as “the other.”
Forget Ottawa — Albertans growing alienated from their own leaders, too
Right across the Prairies, residents less likely to feel provincial governments can best speak for them
Are Canadians finally at peace with their Constitution?
A reflection on the eve of the 40th anniversary of patriation and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Québécois et Canadiens ont-ils fait la paix avec la Constitution?
La distance géographique ne rend pas les Canadiens sourds aux enjeux qui touchent leurs concitoyens ailleurs au pays
Young adults have been hit hard by the pandemic. The recovery must not leave them behind
Our latest survey confirms that the pandemic’s impact has been felt more acutely and more persistently among young adults
Here’s how we can stop sick people from going into work
Two in five employees in Canada say they’ve gone in to work sick at least once in the past 12 months. A change in office culture is needed to end this.
We’re witnessing the continuing cultural divergence of Canada and the United States
The centre of gravity in each of our cultures is in a radically different place, and each is moving along a different trajectory
Public opinion in Canada has been shifting, but not because of the pandemic
Despite the extended time of crisis, Canadians’ opinions showed remarkable stability in many areas. The exceptions had little to do with COVID-19.