
Institute Projects

Since its founding in 2006, the Institute has conducted a number of groundbreaking public opinion and social research projects. Our reports are listed by publication date, or can be searched by topic or survey series. 

Key Topics

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Federal-provincial relations: public perceptions

A report from the 2024 Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians

Addressing climate change in the Canadian federation

A report from the 2024 Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians
April 17, 2024

Trusting federal and provincial government decision-making on key issues

A report from the 2024 Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians
March 27, 2024

Trust in Political Institutions in Canada

A Report from the 2023 AmericasBarometer Survey in Canada
March 7, 2024

Support for Democracy in Canada

A Report from the 2023 AmericasBarometer Survey in Canada
October 26, 2023

Citizen Voice

A Report from the 2023 AmericasBarometer Survey in Canada
September 25, 2023

Trust in Elections

A Report from the 2023 AmericasBarometer Survey in Canada
September 11, 2023

AmercicasBarometer 2023 Canadian Survey

The survey is the most comprehensive source of information about support for democracy in Canada.

Confidence in Leaders

A report from the 2023 Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians
December 16, 2022

Satisfaction, Outlook and Opportunities

Younger Canadians have grown more dissatisfied with the way things are going in the country, and more pessimistic about prospects for the next generation
December 20, 2021

Democracy and Political Polarization in Canada and the U.S.

More Americans stand at either end of the political spectrum; more Canadians stand in the middle
September 6, 2021

Support for Democracy in Canada

A Report from the 2021 AmericasBarometer Survey
September 22, 2020

A Better Canada: Values & Priorities after COVID-19

A Better Canada confirms that, for many, the eventual reopening of the economy should mean something better than going “back to normal.”
March 17, 2020

Political Polarization in Canada and the U.S.

In Canada, left-right polarization is much less pronounced than in the U.S., and has generally declined over the past decade.
January 27, 2020

Public Support for Canada’s Political System: Regional Trends

Satisfaction with democracy and trust in political actors growing in some regions of Canada and falling in others.
November 19, 2019

Influence in Canadian Politics

Roughly two-thirds of Canadians say that the wealthy, new technology companies like Google and Facebook, and large Canadian corporations have too much influence in Canadian politics.
September 11, 2019

Confidence in Democracy and the Political System

An update on trends in Canadian public opinion
September 11, 2019

Canadians’ Satisfaction with Public Services

New analysis from the 2018 Gallup World Poll
September 5, 2019

Perceptions of Gender and Political Leadership

Younger men are twice as likely as younger women to say they have been personally encouraged to become a candidate for elected office.
June 30, 2017

AmericasBarometer 2017

The AmericasBarometer is a 29 country public opinion survey on democracy, governance and civic engagement, conducted every two to three years by a consortium of of research partners across the western hemisphere...