Urban Aboriginal Peoples Study

The Environics Institute conducted the Urban Aboriginal Peoples Study (UAPS) as a landmark national study focusing on Aboriginal Peoples living in Canada’s major urban centres. The purpose of the study was to:
• better understand and effectively document the experiences, identities, values, and aspirations of urban Aboriginal people (including their hopes, dreams and goals for their own lives and those of their children);
• give voice to urban Aboriginal aspirations; and
• invigorate the Canadian conversation on the current challenges and future possibilities of Aboriginal people in this country.
The study was guided by an Advisory Circle composed of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal leaders and thinkers, and was sponsored by a wide range of governments, foundations, and other organizations. To accomplish its aims, the UAPS included three separate research elements.
• A main survey based on 2,614 person-to-person interviews conducted (March to October 2009) with a representative sample of First Nations peoples (status and non-status), Métis and Inuit in 11 cities across Canada: Vancouver, EdmonĀton, Calgary, Regina, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Thunder Bay, Montreal, Toronto, Halifax and Ottawa (Inuit only).
• A telephone survey conducted with a representative sample of 2,501 non-Aboriginal urban Canadians living in these same cities (excluding Ottawa) (April to May 2009).
• A pilot survey conducted online with 182 current and past National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation (NAAF) scholars (June to July 2009).
Following public release in April 2010 (with the CBC as a major media partner), the Institute undertook public engagement to bring the research insights back to the communities in which the study took place.
As of July 2, 2013, this research is now permamently housed at the University of Winnipeg to ensure it is available to researchers, policy makers and the Aboriginal community on an ongoing basis.
Complete information on this study (including video interviews with survey respondents) can be found at www.uaps.ca,
Keywords: Indigenous/Aboriginal Peoples, economic/financial circumstances, education, health/well-being, identity, integration into Canadian society, life goals/aspirations, life satisfaction, political engagement, quality of life, racism/discrimination, crime/community safety, employment/career
Downloads / Supporting Material
- Main Report
- Executive Summary
- About the Study
- The Research - A Tale of Eleven Cities
- Urban Aboriginal People's Sense of Place
- Urban Aboriginal Identity
- Urban Aboriginal Culture
- Experiences with Non- Aboriginal People
- Political Identity and Engagement
- Justice
- Happiness, Life Aspirations and Definitions of Success
- National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation Scholar Survey
- Non-Aboriginal Perspectives
- Research Methodology
- Data Tables
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