Trust in Political Institutions in Canada

Trust in Political Institutions in Canada: Trends, 2010 to 2023
A Report from the 2023 AmericasBarometer Survey in Canada
The AmericasBarometer surveys measure trust in a range of political institutions and actors on a seven-point scale. Here is a summary of the most recent results for Canada, showing the trend since 2010.
Regional results for selected questions
Additional results (in French): Changement de position?Appui aux institutions politiques du Canada et fierté d’être Canadienne ou Canadien : une comparaison entre le Québec et l’Alberta
For more information, contact Dr. Andrew Parkin or the Environics Institute.
The 2023 AmericasBarometer Canadian
survey was conducted by the Environics Institute for Survey Research, in
partnership with LAPOP at Vanderbilt University. It was conducted
online with a representative sample of 2,500 Canadians (aged 18 and
over) between July 20 and August 4, 2023.
See the detailed data tables from this survey.
See other reports in this series.
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