April 26, 2023 | Andrew Parkin
Support for equalization: 2023 update

Support for equalization: 2023 update
Results from the 2023 Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians
Key findings
Overall support for the equalization program in Canada remains steady.
Support has increased in Alberta since 2019 (+13 pts).
Support remains steady in non-recipient provinces, but has fallen by 8 points since 2019 in recipient provinces.
A 29-point gap between levels of support in Quebec and Alberta has narrowed to a 6-point gap.
See the presentation of the resultsThe Confederation of Tomorrow surveys are annual studies conducted by an association of the country’s leading public policy and socio-economic research organizations: the Environics Institute for Survey Research, the Centre of Excellence on the Canadian Federation, the Canada West Foundation, the Centre D’Analyse Politique – Constitution et Fédéralisme, the Brian Mulroney Institute of Government and the First Nations Financial Management Board. The surveys give voice to Canadians about the major issues shaping the future of the federation and their political communities. The 2023 study consists of a survey of 5,300 adults, conducted online in the provinces between January 26 and February 9; and by telephone in the territories between January 24 and February 26.
For more information contact the Environics Institute or Dr. Andrew Parkin.
Materials for this report:
Presentation of results
Detailed data tables
Previous report: Spotlight on Alberta
Presentation of results
Detailed data tables
Previous report: Spotlight on Alberta
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