Confederation of Tomorrow 2022 Survey of Canadians

The Confederation of Tomorrow 2022 Survey of Canadians
The Confederation of Tomorrow surveys are annual studies conducted by an association of the country’s leading public policy and social research organizations: the Environics Institute for Survey Research, the Centre of Excellence on the Canadian Federation, the Canada West Foundation, the Centre D’Analyse Politique – Constitution et Fédéralisme, and the Brian Mulroney Institute of Government. The surveys give voice to Canadians about the major issues shaping the future of the federation and their political communities. The 2022 study consists of a survey of 5,461 adults, conducted online in the provinces between January 18 and February 10; and by telephone in the territories between January 6 and 30.
The findings from the 2022 Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians will be posted on this page in a number of formats, including reports, articles and presentations. Don't forget to check back regularly for new material.
Atlantic Canada and the Federation (October 2022)
The Atlantic region differs significantly from the rest of Canada in three areas: management of the pandemic, climate change and top issues of concern.
Relations with Indigenous Peoples (June 2022)
Despite the extensive public discussion that followed the discoveries of unmarked graves of children on the sites of former Indian residential schools, there was no significant change in the proportion of Canadians who say they feel familiar with the history of Indian residential schools in Canada.
The Evolution of Prairie Discontent (May 2022)
An exclusive focus on Western alienation risks obscuring the fact that, in recent years, frustration with the federal government has ebbed, while dissatisfaction with the approach of Prairie provincial governments to key issues has grown.
Most Important Problem Facing Canadians Today (May 2022)
Health care stands out as a greater concern in the Maritimes, Quebec and Manitoba. Affordable housing is among the top concerns in the North, as well as in B.C. and P.E.I. Albertans remain more troubled than other Canadians both with the state of the economy and with poor government leadership.
Provincial Identity and Autonomy (April 2022)
The persistence of grievances with the way federalism is working has not had the effect in recent years of weakening the Canadian identity or reinforcing provincial identities.
Support for Equalization (April 2022)
Three in four Canadians – including majorities in every province – continue to support the equalization program. Support has held steady since 2019.
Resentment in the Canadian Federation by Charles Breton, Olivier Jacques and Andrew Parkin (Centre of Excellence on the Canadian Federation, Bulletin, October 18, 2022) / Le ressentiment dans la fédération canadienne, par Charles Breton, Olivier Jacques et Andrew Parkin (Le Centre d’excellence sur la fédération canadienne, Bulletin, 18 octobre 2022)
Francophone Quebecers increasingly believe anglophone Canadians look down on them by Charles Breton, Andrew Parkin and Justin Savoie (Policy Options, June 22, 2022) / Les Québécois francophones se sentent regardés de haut, par Charles Breton, Andrew Parkin and Justin Savoie (Options Politiques, 22 juin 2022)
Quebecers more pessimistic than ever about the future of the French language by Charles Breton, Andrew Parkin and Justin Savoie (Policy Options, June 20, 2022) / Situation du français : les Québécois plus pessimistes que jamais, par Charles Breton, Andrew Parkin and Justin Savoie (Options Politiques, 20 juin 2022)
Forget Ottawa — Albertans growing alienated from their own leaders, too, by Andrew Parkin (CBC online, May 16, 2022)
Québécois et Canadiens ont-ils fait la paix avec la Constitution? par Charles Breton et Andrew Parkin (Le Devoir, 16 avril 2022).
Federal transfers to provinces: public preferences, by Charles Breton and Andrew Parkin (Centre of Excellence on the Canadian Federation, Bulletin, April 2022).
The 40th anniversary of the Constitution Act
Presentation: 2022 survey results on the constitution
Présentation : Résultats de l'enquête 2022 qui portent sur la Constitution
From the Archives:
The Charter: Dividing or Uniting Canadians (April 2002) (Results from the survey conducted for the 20th anniversary of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms)
La Charte: ciment de l’unité canadienne ou ferment de discorde? (avril 2002) (Résultats du sondage réalisé pour le 20e anniversaire de la Charte des droits et libertés)
Presentation: attitudes towards the patriation of the constitution and the charter of rights, 1980-81
Detailed data tables
Survey data tables for questions covered in published reports are available here. The tables will be updated as new reports are published.View the survey data tables
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