September 30, 2021

Having an election that changes nothing is not such a bad outcome after all

The election may have been unnecessary. It may have been tedious and uninspired. It may have changed little as far as the composition of the House of Commons is concerned. But it did not leave us more polarized or divided than ever before.
September 20, 2021

Don’t let angry protestors fool you — Canadians still trust in our democracy

Angry antimask or antivaccination protestors fuelled by misinformation are currently a security and public health risk, but they are not the tip of a larger iceberg that reflects broader public opinion.
February 12, 2020

Satisfaction with Canada’s democracy declines significantly in Alberta

The answer to the question of whether Canadians are gaining or losing confidence in their democratic institutions depends in part on which region one is referring to.
September 12, 2019

Are Canadians losing confidence in their democracy?

While views on the economy are mixed, the general trends in Canada, especially on attitudes towards democracy and diversity, remain positive