November 16, 2021 | Andrew Parkin and Justin Savoie
Who voted for the People’s Party of Canada?

The following analysis by Andrew Parkin and Justin Savoie was published in The Conversation on November 16, 2021.
At first glance, the 2021 federal election appears to have changed very little. Each party was returned to the House of Commons with about as many seats as it had previously held.
Beneath the surface, however, some shifts occurred. Most notably, while the People’s Party of Canada failed to win any seats, its share of the popular vote grew to five per cent – more than double what it earned two years earlier.
What, then, do we know about PPC voters?
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This analysis is based on data from the Environics Institute’s Fall 2021 Focus Canada survey. This survey is based on telephone interviews conducted (via landline and cellphones) with 2,000 Canadians between September 7 and 23, 2021.
Detailed data tables: Focus Canada 2021 Part 1 (Complete)
Read other reports from this survey:
Canadian Public Opinion about Indigenous Peoples and Reconciliation
Canadian Public Opinion about Immigration and Refugees - Fall 2021
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