Support for sovereignty in Quebec: the role of identity, culture and language

The following article was published in Policy Options on May 24, 2024, It is the first of a two-part series on developments in Quebec.
Support for sovereignty in Quebec: the role of identity, culture and language
A surprising resurgence of popularity for the Parti Québécois is not driven by growing support for sovereignty. But many Quebecers nonetheless identify themselves as mainly sovereigntist. What underpins this preference? Beyond an obvious preference for sovereignty, which of their views distinguish them from other Quebecers?
It’s not their opinions about major policy challenges of the day. On health care, affordable housing and the environment, there is no great divide. It’s also not the role of the state. What sets them apart are grievances with our federal system coupled with a strong sense of identity, our 2024 edition of the Confederation of Tomorrow survey shows.
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